Feedback on the public meeting of 01/04

On Monday, 1st April, a “Town Hall” meeting was held at EEB4 in the Salle Polyvalente. It was called by the APEEE and was attended by the school administration (M. Bordoy, MMe Verwilghen, and M Mattus), teachers and Teacher Reps, students and Student Reps, parents 
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Performing Arts Day – Throwback on the 2019 edition

The Performing Arts Day of the extracurricular activities service was April 6th! This annual event, which has now become a must, is the perfect opportunity for parents to discover their children’s activities and to meet the extracurricular monitors and music teachers.  About 400 people came 
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Cafeteria – Top up by credit card

New possibility to top up your child’s cafeteria badge It is now possible to top up your child’s cafeteria badge by credit card using a tablet provided near the canteen manager’s office. Maestro, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Visa Pay and Android Pay are 
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35 medals for the European Schools swimming team

35 medals pour the European Schools swimming team at the EFSL finals  ESB Octopus, the European Schools swimming team, obtains 35 medals, including 1 gold and 8 silvers, at the short distance swimming finals in Eindhoven (2-3 March 2019).  On the week-end of 2-3 March, 
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European Universities Consortium – 06/05

A European Universities Consortium will take place on Monday, May 6, 2019 at the British School of Brussels from 7pm to 9pm.  The universities represented will be :  Bocconi University (Italy) Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne (Switzerland) IE University (Spain) Modul University (Austria) Trinity College Dublin 
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Friday 12 April 2019

Dear parents, dear all,  On Friday, April 12, 2019, the school classes end at 12:35 pm. Please note that our transport, canteen and extracurricular services will operate as follows: Transport  All our buses will run normally in the morning and the return buses will operate like 
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Ski trip 2019 – A memorable week

Throwback to an unforgettable week in the ski resort La Plagne For the second consecutive year, the extracurricular team, and 46 children from S4, S5 and S6, headed towards La Plagne to reach the snow-covered peaks of the French Alps. Snow, thrills and sunshine were 
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Registration and Call for Questions for Public Meeting 01/04

Registration and Call for Questions for Public Meeting—1 April, 2019, 19.00, Salle Polyvalente, European School Brussels IV The Parents’ Association of Brussels IV invites all interested parents, students, the Direction, teachers and staff of EEB IV to participate in a public meeting to discuss recent events 
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APEEE Letter – Public meeting 01/04

PLEASE NOTE! There will be a public meeting in the school’s Salle Polyvalente on Monday 1st April at 19.00 to discuss the events of the last few weeks, the challenges facing our children in the European Schools today and what we in the EEB IV community 
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Throwback on the symphonic concert – 20/03

Mercredi 20 mars, des applaudissements unanimes ont résonné dans la salle polyvalente de notre école. Une centaine de personnes avaient fait le déplacement pour assister au grand concert de piano avec orchestre symphonique organisé par notre service périscolaire. L’ orchestre symphonique Nuove Musiche a entamé 
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