New demonstration in front of the school

On Wednesday, September 25, a new demonstration by the former Activa staff took place in front of the school during lunchtime. As on the first day of school, the demonstrators distributed leaflets to the school’s parents. We would like to stress the fact that we 
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Sensory Path Hallways Project Report

In the beginning of March, after having presented the project to Daddy Kate company, the designers created the layouts of the sensory paths and made some modifications according to the project coordinator’s suggestions. The paths had to be attractive for the children, educational and suitable 
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Pedagogical Meeting – 24/09

Dear Parents, The APEEE board and the Pedagogical team both wish that the start of the school year went smoothly for you all. With school on its way, some of you might already have some questions, proposals or issues to bring up to us. Also, 
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Educational Support 2019/2020

Dear Parents, Did you know that APEEE can help you if your child has difficulties at School (temporary difficulties in one or more subjects or learning disabilities)? We are a group of parents working with the School to improve the inclusion and success of our 
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Second Hand Book Sale – 09/09 & 10/09

Second Hand Book Sale – SECONDARY  Sell or buy old textbooks and give them a second life! Teams of parents from the different language sections are organising a second-hand textbook sale for the Secondary classes. This is an opportunity for students to sell used textbooks 
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University Information Evenings – 17/09 & 7/10

An Oxbridge information evening will take place on Tuesday 17 September 2019, from 7:00pm until 8:30pm at the British School of Brussels. To sign up to attend Oxbridge Information Evening, please use this link : A canadian universities information evening will also take place at 
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Demonstration in front of the school – 04/09

A demonstration took place at the school entrance today, Wednesday, September 4, 2019. We would like to clarify the situation and inform you of the following points. The cleaning company “Activa” was an APEEE canteen service contractor for the last three years. Each year, the 
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President’s End Of Year Letter to parents

By Kristin Dijkstra, President of the APEEE of Brussels IV Dear Parents, The APEEE of EEB IV aims to help create a school environment where students can thrive. We promote the interests of the entire school community: from the youngest in our nursery classes to 
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BYOD Survey Results

Thank you to the 139 parents who took part in the survey and to the 13 students who participated despite their exams. The sample of students is too low to draw any conclusions, but we will give the figures for information purposes (in green in 
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School year 2018-2019: the APEEE in figures

This year, 2594 students enrolled in the APEEE, which represents more than 90% of the students in EEB4. A glance at some figures illustrating the services of your APEEE: Transport is: 2,270 students 55 buses in the morning 67 buses in the afternoon, all departures 
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