School year 2018-2019: the APEEE in figures

This year, 2594 students enrolled in the APEEE, which represents more than 90% of the students in EEB4. A glance at some figures illustrating the services of your APEEE: Transport is: 2,270 students 55 buses in the morning 67 buses in the afternoon, all departures 
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Educational Support – 2019/2020

On 7th of May 2019, the Educational Support team of APEEE organised an information session with the cooperation of the European school on the educational Support Policy in Laeken.   The two educational support coordinators – Mr. Mattuscheck for primary and Ms. Ponceau for secondary 
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Throwback on the 2019 Summer Camp

The 3rd edition of the Summer Camp took place from 26 June to 4 July and met great success. Divided into 4 groups, students from S1 to S3 were able to take part in robotics and upcycling workshops. Below are some illustrations of the constructions 
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End of year concerts

On Friday, June 14, 2019, our teacher Gergana Perendibazova organized a piano concert for the end of this school year.  The opportunity for her students to show their parents their progress during this school year 2018-2019 and since the New Year’s concert. After the concert, 
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BYOD Survey

Dear S5, S6 and S7 parents, BYOD is an ambitious project that has a very significant impact on the way our children work. Please answer our survey, it only takes 3 minutes (now is the best time, the deadline is very short!) We find it 
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University Information Evening – 24/06

A UK and Netherlands Information Evening and a Fair will take place on Monday 24 June 2019 at the British School of Brussels. Find out more here >  Free admission but registration is essential >    
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Useful tips for class councils

Useful tips for class councils  The Class Councils that decide on your child’s transition to the next grade are approaching. For those of you who are concerned about your child’s possible repetition, please find here some tips in a questions and answers format. French version only for 
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Throwback on the Screenagers screening

At the request of the school management, the APEEE Prevention Group financed and brought in a DVD from the USA, “Screenagers”, a documentary  directed by Delaney Ruston, on video games and social networks, with a scientific, sociological approach and with many interviews. The screening organized 
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Registrations to ESB Octopus open – Season 2019-2020

Registrations to ESB Octopus, season 2019-2020, now open! Are you between 5 and 19 years old and able to swim at least 50 m in two different strokes? Do you want to represent the four European Schools of Brussels in international swimming competitions? If you 
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Canteen and extracurricular activities registrations 2019-2020

Dear parents, Registrations for the canteen and extracurricular activities services of the APEEE of Brussels IV for the school year 2019-2020 are open! Before enrolling we urge you to read the canteen and extracurricular activities regulations which are mandatory to accept in order to continue the 
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