Feedback on the public meeting of 01/04

On Monday, 1st April, a “Town Hall” meeting was held at EEB4 in the Salle Polyvalente. It was called by the APEEE and was attended by the school administration (M. Bordoy, MMe Verwilghen, and M Mattus), teachers and Teacher Reps, students and Student Reps, parents and Parent Reps (including APEEE President Kristin Dijkstra and VP Ped Affairs Karim Kettani). The moderator was Dana Adriana Puia, another APEEE Board Member.

The main topic of discussion was the current situation concerning the Member States expressing an interest in seconding unprecedented numbers of teachers to our school, and the subsequent effects on our locally hired staff. The two recent fires at the school as well as the on-going efforts to address bullying were also discussed.

The evening was an opportunity for parents to question the school administration on recent events, and also to hear directly from the students, the teachers, and the Parent Reps. The tone was cordial throughout, although opinions differed on how fruitful the evening was. Some parents felt that the administration did not answer their questions fully, however those parents are invited to meet with the directors personally for further follow-up. Based on the turnout of this meeting, the APEEE agrees that future Town Halls will be held as events warrant. 

Please find here unofficial notes taken during the meeting

These will also be available in French in the course of this Week.