Back-to-school 2020 – President’s Message

Dear parents, This start of the 2020-21 school year will be different and unpredictable. Nonetheless, I wish everyone a great start to the year and share with you my hope that the coronavirus pandemic will ebb and make room for us to return gradually to 
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Reimbursements Covid-19

Dear parents, Following the unprecedented situation generated by COVID19 and the closure of the school, the APEEE has had to take unprecedented decisions from a financial point of view and we would like to explain the circumstances surrounding this decision. You will find below the 
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Covid-19 // Article 12 – Resumption of our transport service on 08/06

Dear parents, As you know, the EEBIV has decided to resume in situ classes for nursery and primary pupils from 8 June 2020. We would like to thank all those who took the time to participate in our questionnaire on your intention to use the 
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Covid-19 // Article 11 – APEEE services and year-end organisation

In response to the communication sent by the school this Friday afternoon, we would like to inform you that the “bubble system” that has been put in place is not compatible with providing our APEEE services. With regard to the transport service, we are considering 
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Covid-19 // Article 9 – Reimbursement for services not provided

We have all been facing a difficult period for several weeks now. Border closures and containment measures are disrupting our daily lives and we sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are doing well.  The APEEE is committed to reimburse as much as possible for 
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Covid-19 // Article 7 – Situation update: APEEE team, pedagogical issues and OIB

Despite the current turbulent situation your APEEE is taking concrete actions and analysing what to do next. Indeed, we need to navigate in a constantly changing context in which we depend on third parties (the Office of the Secretary General, the Belgian national government and 
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Covid-19 // Article 6 – Your APEEE team is working from home

In these times of Coronavirus outbreak and following the decisions of the Belgian government, the APEEE staff would like to reassure you that they are available and that they have put in place measures to ensure the continuity of their services. Our team has taken 
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Covid-19 // Article 1 – Evolving situation and APEEE services

  Update 03/04 – the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended until 3rd May inclusive     Dear parents, As you know, the European School of Brussels IV is keeping the obligatory regular attendance of pupils suspended 
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Covid-19 – Functioning of the APEEE services

  Update: As from 17 March and until further notice, the APEEE staff is confined to their homes and is teleworking. If you wish to contact one of the APEEE services, please do so by email only.     Following the decision of the Directors 
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Update 12/03/2020 – The Directors of the European Schools have decided on Thursday 12 March to close the European Schools in Belgium starting from next Monday, the 16th of March 2020 and up to Sunday, the 29th of March 2020.     We would like to give 
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