Summer Holiday – APEEE closed

Dear parents, The APEEE of Laeken will be closed from 25 July to 16 August 2024 included. We wish you all a great summer holiday! The APEEE team
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Announcement of the new ad interim director of the APEEE, Anne Robertz

Dear members of the community, We are pleased to announce the nomination of Anne Robertz as the new ad interim Director of the APEEE. Anne is well known to everyone for her role as manager of the transport service, a role that she will continue 
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President Dan Nicolae’s End of the year message

Dear parents, As the 2023-2024 school year nears its end, I want to express my gratitude to our teachers, staff, APEEE representatives, and APEEE staff for their unwavering support to our community. This year, we underwent considerable personnel changes. The director of the APEEE, Éric 
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The 2023-2024 school year in a few figures

During the year 2023-2024, 1 934 families registered to the APEEE. The families of EEB4 benefited from one or more of the 3 services offered by the APEEE: transport, canteen and extracurricular activities. TRANSPORT Every day, 2 574 pupils took the school bus to school 
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The APEEE is moving – temporary unavailability

Dear parents, On Monday 8 July and Tuesday 9 July 2024, the APEEE will be moving to its new offices in building J. Therefore, we will not have access to the Internet and will not be able to answer the phone or send emails. Thank 
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Summer Camp 2024 – look back on the edition

This year, the extracurricular service once again organised the Summer Camp for pupils in S1 to S3, which took place from 24 June to 4 July. Participants had a choice of four exciting camps: arts, sports, theatre in English, and programming. These camps offered students 
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Canteen – Enrolment 2024-2025 Delayed

We would like to inform you that due to unforeseen technical problems, the opening of the canteen enrolment will be delayed. We apologise for this inconvenience. We are actively working to resolve these problems and as soon as we have more information, we will let 
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Pedagogy – Parents’Survey

Our school will undergo the third round of the Whole School Inspection (WSI) from 11 to 15 November 2024 as part of the “Common Framework for Whole School Inspections in Nursery/Primary and Secondary cycles.” The WSI provides an external evaluation to improve the quality of 
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Canteen – Enrolment 2024-2025

Registration for the canteen service of the APEEE of Brussels IV for the school year 2024-2025 will be open on Monday 17 June! Reading and accepting the canteen rules is mandatory in order to finalise your registration: Canteen Rules 2024-2025 It is mandatory to accept its terms in order 
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Departure message from APEEE Director, Éric Rega

Dear all, After 6 years with the APEEE of Brussels IV, including 2.5 years as Director, I have decided to retire on 30 June 2024. I would like to thank the entire APEEE operational team, the Board for its confidence and support, the School and 
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