President’s Back to School Message

Dear parents, dear current class representatives,

A warm welcome back to the start of a new school year for all families and students! I would like to extend a special welcome to new families and students joining our school this year. For parents new and old who will be dropping their children off at school on Monday, one of our lovely APEEE representatives, Diane Werhert, has volunteered to be at the corner café, L’imprévu, at 8.30am to answer any questions you might now have

As is the case at the start of each new school year, every class needs to elect 4 parent class representatives. These elections will be held in situ next week for parents in Nursery and Primary at the Back-to-School meetings. They will be held online on Microsoft TEAMS for parents in Secondary between 13  and 20 September. 

Why is volunteering to be a class representative so important, you might ask? Class representatives, together with the Section Representatives that will be elected later, form the backbone of the APEEE. They are responsible for communicating the concerns of parents in the class to the APEEE as a whole, diffusing important information from the APEEE regarding a variety of school issues both practical (e.g. access to school materials, chronic issues with APEEE services, etc.) and pedagogical (the school’s grading and homework policies, harrassment, student well-being, etc.), and they serve as a general point of contact and source of feedback between the APEEE and all parents. Moreover, class representatives form the foundation of the APEEE General Assembly held each year in January. It is only class representatives who have paid the APEEE Membership fee that may vote at the APEEE General Assembly regarding the APEEE budget, services (bus/canteen/periscolaire)) and social and community funds. In short, without class representatives, there is no functioning APEEE! 

As you ponder whether a role as a Class Info Representative, Events Representative , Treasurer, or Back-up lies in your future, let me close this greeting by wishing you and your family all joy and success this coming year!

Best regards to all.

Stephanie Buus
APEEE President