EN language activity report

Dear EN Primary and Secondary Parents,

As we head towards the end of this exceptional COVID-19 year, we wanted to update you all on some of the current activities and initiatives that we have been involved in as well as some of our ideas for the English section moving forward.

Recent actions and initiatives:

Enhanced communication during both in situ and distance learning periods: First and foremost, we have been working steadily on trying to improve the amount and the speed of communication among all parent representatives in our section in order to ensure the greater mutual exchange of information and ideas as well as a stronger sense of connectedness among parent representatives—indeed, among all parents, in the English section. This has included the following main actions:

  • Setup of 2 WhatsApp groups gathering (#1) all info class reps of the English section & (#2) EN Section Reps
  • Survey and coordination of parents’ replies on different issues such as the organisation of distance learning and related issues; Bac and B-tests; preparation and participation in the weekly COVID-19 Task Force Meeting, bringing up issues of importance to families in the English section related to the schools’ COVID-19 measures (i.a. via our proposed “EN Section&inforep stocktaking DL” form)
  • Survey on return to school and lunch organisation
  • Engaging, discussing and sharing experience(s) with teachers in Art and Music on specific actions and initiatives (Art Club and Music Club; Christmas card competition…)

Practical support and follow-up in specific areas (one-on-one, when needed):

  • Distance learning: Created and circulated a support document entitled, “Vademecum on DL tools for parents and students to use MS-Teams, OneNote, Netiquette rules” (electronic file)
  • New families: More focus on welcoming and informing new families to our section via Info Reps and directly with Section Reps. Actions included encouraging greater contact and feedback with these families, answering their questions, helping to communicate with the school’s team when needed
  • SEN and vulnerable families: Efforts to put in place greater access at both the class and section level to information and support for these two groups

Participation in monthly APEEE pedagogical meetings:

  • Discussing pedagogical as well as practical issues at a cross-section level (e.g. teacher absences and staffing issues, well-being, harassment (KIVA programme), ICT and STEM, good practices, book flea market -now on Facebook-, etc.)
  • Following up on and informing class representatives about test organisation and Bac organisation
  • Preparing for the Education Council (collecting parents’ questions and issues, representing the EN Section, reporting, follow-up on reviewing documents shared at the Council..)
  • School trips (e.g. ski trip, …)
  • Participation in the organisation of the October 22 Virtual Pedagogical Meeting in which parents met the Directors, Deputy-Directors and School Pedagogical team online

In the months to come:

Since distance learning will continue in 2021, we will also continue to offer targeted support on distance learning-related issues to aid parents and pupils in areas not currently covered by the school. Moreover, we are discussing the creation of several outreach initiatives, online and offline, aimed at increasing communication and well-being in our section. Further details on these initiatives will follow after the winter vacation.

  Happy holidays and wishing you and your families all the best in these difficult times!

Anne Catherine Richard-McGillivray, Sylwia Lajs-Rasmussen, Stephanie Buus, Morgan Guillou, and Ana Cudell Salgueiro

(Your English Primary and Secondary Section Representatives)