Board of Governors Meeting

Please find below a summary of the main points of interest of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the European Schools held in Brussels between the 4 and 7 December 2018: Summary – Board of Governors  
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Documentary ‘Shine a Light – Understanding ADHD’

ADHD ASC & LD Belgium ASBL is a founding member of ADHD Europe. Every October ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Awareness month is celebrated around the World. This following documentary, created by a team of young researchers of the MiND research project and 4QFilms, shines 
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Higher education fair

A university information evening will be held on Wednesday 24 October 2018 at the British School of Brussels. Find all the necessary information by downloading the pdf of the event. To attend please sign up here : 
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Universities information evenings

Several university information evenings will soon take place at the British School of Brussels : Oxbridge Information Evening > Tuesday 18 September, 7 pm ; please click here to sign up. Canadian Universities Information Evening > Monday 8 October, 7 pm ; please click here to sign up. 
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Preventing bulluing : new initiatives

The APEEE is working with the association “Virages“, in collaboration with both the primary and secondary schools, in order to help the children concerned by conflicts or bullying. This work has been done at various levels : Interventions in all P3 and S1 classes (December 
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Conference – Internet safety

On April, 13, 2018, a conference on “Trucs et astuces pour bien profiter de la toile. Dangers d’internet, des réseaux sociaux et des jeux en ligne”, given by Mr Olivier Bogaert, Belgium Police Commissionaire of the Computer Crime Unit, will take place at 7pm in 
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Secondary Markin Reform

You can follow the conference via this link. A conference entitled “Secondary Marking Reform in European Schools – Challenges and opportunities” and organised by Interparents and the Parents’ Associations of the European Schools in Brussels will be hold on Monday 5th February 2018 at 6:30pm. This event seeks to introduce 
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Assistance to families in case of repetition

Dear parents, Some of you, having already received an official letter warning you about the risk for your child to repeat the school year, may have recently received a new message from the principal class teacher of your child informing you that you may submit 
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Secondary transition

The transition from the primary to the secondary cycle is an important step for the children because the well-known class environment, the teachers, the classes, the playground and time table will change. For most of the children this phase is exciting and they are looking 
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