Secondary – Start of extracurricular activities

Reminder : Activities for secondary students start this Monday 19 October 2020. Important – Following the new sports measures established by ADEPS (general sports administration of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), some activities will unfortunately not be launched next week. Please note that: – Judo and volleyball 
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Extracurricular activities – Wearing a face mask in the bus

If your child is enrolled in an extracurricular activity that requires a bus trip from school to the activity, we would like to remind you that it is mandatory to wear a face mask aboard our buses and that children who are not wearing masks are 
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CANCELED – Climbing camp during the All Saints’ Holiday

The APEEE extracurricular activities service offers students from P3 to S7 a 5 half-day bouldering camp during the All Saints’ Day holidays, in collaboration with the Petite Ile bouldering gym. An opportunity to discover bouldering, a type of climbing very suitable for children. What is 
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Update – Extracurricular activities / NUR & PRI – places available

Last chance to register!  Discover the activities in which there are still places left: NURSERY :  PRIMARY P1-P2 :  PRIMARY P3-P4-P5 : 
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Our Covid-19 protocol

  In case of a confirmed case of Covid-19, please notify us at   What happens if a student using an APEEE service tests positive at Covid-19? When parents inform us that their child has tested positive for Covid-19, they are under no obligation to provide us 
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28/09/2020 – Disruptions of our services to be expected

Due to a national demonstration on Monday 28 September, there are chances that our transport and extracurricular services will be disturbed. Some bus monitors may be unable to come and our buses may be delayed. As for extracurricular activities, our teachers may have difficulties to reach 
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UPDATE / Back-to-school 2020 – Covid-19 measures

EEBIV is resuming in situ classes for all students as of September 3, 2020. We have thus put our transport, canteen and extra-curricular services back into operation in order to allow students to go to school, eat lunch and attend their extra-curricular activities and this, in 
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Extracurricular activities / NUR & PRI – places available

If you have not yet registered your child for extracurricular activities, we still have some places available! NURSERY :    PRIMARY P1-P2 :    PRIMARY P3-P4-P5 : 
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Class representatives election 2020-2021

Please find below the video and message sent on behalf of the APEEE in view of the election of class representatives during the “Back to School”-meetings. The elected Info class representative should send the following information for him/her and the other elected class representatives to 
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Back-to-school 2020 – President’s Message

Dear parents, This start of the 2020-21 school year will be different and unpredictable. Nonetheless, I wish everyone a great start to the year and share with you my hope that the coronavirus pandemic will ebb and make room for us to return gradually to 
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