TRANSPORT – Adjusted bus schedules for return journeys from Monday, June 26, to Thursday, July 6, 2023.

During this period, only the regularly scheduled buses at 3:20 PM will be maintained for the return journeys. Additionally, we have also planned these same journeys on Wednesdays, June 28, 2023, and July 5, 2023, with adjusted schedules. You can now consult the new timetables by following this link >>

What about the buses for the garderie?
There are no changes for the buses going to the garderie.

What is changing?
The bus number for Wednesdays, June 28, 2023, and July 5, 2023.

What is the bus number?
The number is the same as the usual bus that departs at 3:20 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The circuit starts with the digit “1xx.”

Where can I find the bus number that my child usually takes at 3:20 PM?
You can find it in your child’s transport order for this year by following this link >> and checking the “Return departure at 3:20 PM:” section (Please note, do not search for this information in the order you made for next year as they have not been updated yet!!!).

How can I know which order to check?
You should consult the order dated April 6, 2023. All orders made after May 1, 2023, are for the next year.

What time will my child arrive on Wednesdays, June 28, 2023, and July 5, 2023?
The adjusted schedule is indicated in purple in the “Mercredi/Wednesday 28/06 & 05/07/2023” column. You can check it by following this link >>