Operation Shoe-Box 2021

As in previous years, our pupils and our wider school community are invited to participate in the “Operation Shoe-Box” organised by the Samaritans.
This is a solidarity project which provides boxes of supplies such as food and drink for people in need in Brussels.

Pupils/Families who wish to participate may fill an empty shoebox with 7 or 8 items of food and drink (non-perishable, non-alcoholic, easy to open and ready to eat) and a small greeting card.
Please note that no fresh food should be put in the box.

Detailed information on how to fill a box can be found on this page.

The box should be gift-wrapped like a present and brought to school by Friday 17 December 2021:

  • In nursery and primary to the class teacher
  • In secondary in the office of Ms Basma CHAHED and Ms Lucia IMBRICI (A006), ideally during lunch break 

Volunteers will come to school to collect the boxes.
They will then be given out to people and families in need for Christmas.

This a great opportunity for our school community to support and participate in this solidarity project.