
Want to go try your hand at judo? This course allows children to learn the fundamental techniques of this martial art, whatever their rank, as well as its moral code.

"Jùdô is the elevation of a simple technique (jutsu) to a principle of living (dô)." Jigorô Kanô, founder of Kodokan judo


With Anas:

P1-P2 : Monday, 15h10 – 16h10

With Saber:

P1-P2 : Wednesday, 13h30 – 15h00

P1-P2 : Friday, 12h50 – 13h50 *

P1-P2 : Friday, 14h00 – 15h00 *


With Saber and Anas:

P3-P5 : Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

With Saber:

P3-P5 : Wednesday, 13h30 – 15h00

P3-P5 : Friday, 15h10 – 16h10

* The activity takes place in the Spotlight room (rue des Horticulteurs 9, 1020 Laeken). The children return to school at the end of the activity.


With Saber:

S1-S7: Tuesday, 16h10 – 17h30     Slot not launched

The objective of the course is to help children progress in learning the techniques of judo.

Judo is a martial art and combat sport of Japanese origin. Depending on the children’s belt, different techniques are taught to them, always in a playful way. There are the techniques of throwing, ground control, chokes and arm locks, for example Hon gesa gatame (basic cross control), Ushiro gesa gatame (cross back control), Tsuri komi goshi (a throw using the hip).

In martial arts, it is also important to know how to fall so as not to get hurt. Judo has a moral code, whose values are: politeness, courage, sincerity, honour, modesty, respect, self-control and friendship.

The judo instructor is accredited to pass belts to students who wish to do so.

Here are examples of techniques, according to grades, that children will learn:

White belt, yellow barrette:

  • Ong geza gatame
  • kuzure geza gatame
  • makura geza gatame
  • mae ukemi front, rear, side

Yellow belt:

  • Ushiro geza gatame
  • kata gatame
  • 3 reversing : on the side, on the belly, from the front

Yellow belt, orange barrette:

  • Ong geza gatame
  • kuzure geza gatame
  • makura geza gatame
  • ushiro geza gatame
  • kata gatame + 1 variation for each technique

Orange belt:

  • koshi guruma
  • o gosi
  • ippon soie nage
  • morote soie nage
  • eri soie nage
  • tsuri komi goshi
  • ko tsuri goshi
  • o stru goshi

Orange belt – 1st green barrette:

  • yoko shio gatame
  • kuzure yoko shio gatame
  • tate shio gatame
  • kuzure tate shio gatame
  • kami shio gatame
  • kuzure kami shio gatame

Orange belt – 2nd green barrette:

  • Ong geza gatame
  • kuzure geza gatame
  • makura geza gatame
  • ushiro geza gatame
  • kata gatame + 4 variation per technique + 1 reversal per technique

Green belt:

  • Ong geza gatame
  • kuzure geza gatame
  • makura geza gatame
  • ushiro geza gatame
  • kata gatame + 4 variations per technique + 1 reversal per technique
  • yoko shio gatame
  • kuzure yoko shio gatame
  • tate shio gatame
  • kuzure tate shio gatame
  • kami shio gatame
  • kuzure kami shio gatame + 4 variations per technique + 1 reversal per technique

Please bring your own Kimono.