General Assembly – First notification

Subject: First notification for the online Extraordinary General Assembly and the online Ordinary General Assembly on Tuesday 25th January 2022


Dear Section Representatives, Class Representatives and Parents,

Date of the Extraordinary General Assembly and the Ordinary General Assembly

The Board of the APEEE of Brussels IV wishes to inform you that our Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) followed by the Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) will take place online on Tuesday 25th January 2022 from 7:00 pm. The objective of the Extraordinary General Assembly is to vote on the revision of the Statutes of the APEEE of Brussels IV including the amendments in accordance with the law of 23 March 2019 on the new Code of Companies and Associations.

We will be able to confirm if interpretation will be provided closer to the meeting date.


Voting members (class representatives having paid their APEEE membership fees) who are unable to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly and the Ordinary General Assembly are encouraged to arrange their proxy using either the form attached with this mail, alternatively by downloading it from our APEEE website. You must return your completed proxy vote form to the following by 18th January 2022 at the latest. A voting member may not hold more than three proxies.

Important: incomplete or inappropriately filled proxy forms will not be accepted (you need to complete 8 sections of the form).

Additional information regarding the proxy vote will be sent out shortly.

Access to the Extraordinary General Assembly and the Ordinary General Assembly

The link to join the EGA/OGA meetings will be sent in due course.
Please note, the EGA/OGA will be recorded. If personal information is collected, it will be treated accordingly with EU data protection policy and will be deleted on 26th January 2022.

Candidature to the Administrative Board

The GA elects the members of the Administrative Board of APEEE of Brussels IV. The board can reach a maximum of 21 elected members, and each language section should be represented by at least 2 members.
Currently, there are 10 vacancies on the Board, and we strongly encourage any interested parents to put forward their candidature. Every parent of a child at our school is entitled to stand as a candidate for election to the board, providing that they have paid their annual contribution to APEEE. You will find the application form attached with this e-mail or by downloading it from the APEEE website.

We would be grateful if you could send you application to the following address: by 24th January 2022 at the latest.

Please note, you do not need to be a class or section representative to be elected.

Please bear in mind that board members need to invest extra time in addition to attending our fortnightly meetings. Consequently, we are particularly looking for parents who have time and are keen to work with us for the benefit of all children at our school. Come and join us!

Agenda Points and Motions

All parents of pupils may propose items or motions for the agenda, providing that they have paid their annual contribution to the APEEE.
All motions must be accompanied by a written statement in both English and French, and should be submitted by 4th January 2022 at the latest using either the form attached, or available from the APEEE website. Please, one motion per document. So as to be eligible, it should be supported by either:
• 10 voting members (class representatives, who must have paid their APEEE fees),
• 20 full members (parents of pupils who must have paid their APEEE fees),
• 2 administrators (members of the Board).

Those that present a motion are responsible for collecting original signatures (scans are accepted).
Important: note, a list of names is not acceptable.

We would appreciate that you send your explanatory statements/motions (form and supporting signatures) as attachments in only one email, to the following address,

Invitation and Agenda

By January 11th, 2022, at the latest, the Invitation for the Extraordinary General Assembly and the Ordinary General Assembly will be emailed via class representatives, announced on the APEEE website, and posted in the APEEE offices (the office of the APEEE on the school site).
The invitation will include the agenda for the EGA/OGA.


All documents for review during the EGA/OGA will be published on the APEEE website with no legal obligation for the date of publication.

Kind regards

Kristin Dijkstra
APEEE Brussels IV President
On behalf of the Administrative Board