Eurêka ! service is back

We are pleased to announce that the Eurêka! service is up and running again!

If you watch the Eurêka! videos below you will see that the number of items piling up after such a short time is impressive, to put it mildly. With over 3000 students at EEBIV and the fact that the service has been suspended since the beginning of this school year, it is not surprising that there are already over 600 objects waiting for their owners. We have therefore extended the opening hours of the Eurêka! room to give you and your children ample time to collect your lost (and now found) items. Prior to the Christmas break the Eurêka! room will be open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30 to 14:30.

Please note that

  • items that have not been picked up will be donated to charity twice a year, after the Christmas holidays and before the summer break
  • glasses will be waiting for their owners in room A006 with the educational advisor so they can be picked up any day
  • labelling clothes, bags, shoes etc. will make it easier and faster to return lost items to their owners. Given the overwhelming number of items stacking up in the Eureka! room, it is currently not possible to bring them to the classrooms, but we are planning to resume this service as soon as possible

Without further ado, we invite you to take a look at the vast Eurêka! collection:

In order to help you get through the videos we have employed a little musical support from Messieurs Gershwin, Brubeck and Moondog.

Our small but effective team of dedicated parents welcomes volunteers. If you have some time to spare and want to help contact us at :