Apprendre le français en jouant

Feel like speaking French? This course introduces children to the language of Molière while having fun through amusing activities.


With TBC:

P1-P2: Monday, 15h10 – 16h10

With Julie:

P3-P5: Tuesday, 15h10 – 16h10

1st semester

The objective of the first semester is to help children acquire basic vocabulary while improving their pronunciation to encourage them to practice.

The programme for the first semester covers several essential topics of daily life. Games and fun activities encourage students to interact and communicate. Each week new games appear according to the topic of the day and allow them to express themselves and begin to dialogue. They learn greetings and introductions, numbers, colours, body parts, clothing, food, family and home and friends. Depending on the children’s levels and interests, the difficulty of the vocabulary will be adapted.

2nd semester

The objective of the second semester is to deepen the knowledge acquired at the beginning of the year, enrich the vocabulary and improve comprehension.

The programme for the second semester is still based on fun activities. They improve their grammatical knowledge with the learning of new structures such as questions and answers and depending on the level of the group, other tenses (past and future) are introduced. Fun themes are covered, for example animals, activities (hobbies and sports), school and holidays (months, seasons, weather), etc…