APEEE – new draft statutes

Dear Parents, Class representatives, Section representatives,

This is a consultation on the new draft Statutes for the APEEE.

We think it is important all parents get a say on the changes.

You will find below :

  • The FR and EN versions of the new draft statutes
  • A text explaining the main changes
  • A comparative table concerning the structure between the 2012 statutes and the 2018 project
  • The 2012 version for information

If you have any feedback please let us know by the 15th of October 2018, midnight. To send your comments we thank you to use the following link : https://goo.gl/forms/dSABWz3KyZXqc1Zr2

We will be holding an open session on October 18th at 19:00 in the salle polyvalente as an opportunity for all parents to express their opinions and to discuss the input received.

We will then work on the final version taking into account all the information we have gathered from this consultation process. Our aim is for the amended and revised statutes to be communicated to parents mid November.

The approval of the statutes is to take place on December 04 during our General Assembly by all class representatives.

Thanking you all for your time and involvement.

Kind regards,

The APEEE Board


Documents :

  1. Draft statutes
  2. Main changes
  3. Comparative table
  4. 2012 Statutes