Romanian tales & legends

"Want to find out more about your home country? This activity focuses on Romanian tales and legends! "

Activity not launched

This activity is in Romanian.

1st semester :

The aim of the first term is to introduce children to the history of Romania, Romanian traditions and the wealth of folklore through stories and legends. The aim is to give children a taste for reading and to enrich their knowledge of the culture of their native country.

During the first term, each session focuses on reading a Romanian tale or legend. This is the starting point for a number of activities, including discussions, debates and role-playing. These activities allow the children to interact with each other and learn about the history of their country in a fun way.

2nd semester:

The aim of the second term is to develop the children’s literary knowledge by discovering famous Romanian writers and their backgrounds in a fun way.

The various readings give rise to questions, exchanges and debates. This second period is an opportunity to discover Romanian customs and traditions. At the end of the year, some of the stories will be performed in costume.