Rafael Roy Campoamor

Pedagogical vision

Education should be an active and hands-on experience, emphasizing practical learning and the solving of real-world problems. – Célestin FREINET

Rafael Roy Campoamor, a jazz pianist with Cuban origins, is currently studying jazz piano at the Luca School of the Arts.

Rafael comes from a musical family, which has had a deep influence on his passion for music.
His musical journey began at the tender age of 3, when he first picked up drumsticks. He then made the transition to the world of classical piano before finally finding his heart in the realms of jazz and Latin music.

Rafael’s commitment to music goes beyond his own background. He has valuable experience in private piano teaching and specializes in introducing children aged 3 to 6 to the world of music. His patient and caring approach makes him an ideal teacher for budding young musicians.

His background is a tribute to the simple joy of growing up with a passion for music. Rafael’s commitment to his art is inspiring, as he continues to explore the essence of rhythm while venturing into various artistic fields, including singing, dance and theater.

Languages : FR – EN – ES