Piano and songwriting

Imagine writing poems and stories—and then hearing your words transformed into songs!
Using our voices and the piano, to explore the music of words and the words of music.
Great activity for those who love music, to read, to write and sing !

Primary - Activity not launched

This activity is preferably aimed at students who have already practiced a musical activity for one year.

1st semester :

The easy techniques for matching words with music instantly. This will reveal what makes words and musical notes work together perfectly, or not work at all.
We will see how entire songs can be born out of just a few words. Gradually we add longer phrases and sentences for developing complete images to write songs. The ultimate goal is to be able to accompany these songs with the piano.

2nd semester :

We divide the class into several groups: those who wish to sing, to write, or both.
In joining the combined forces of our classmates—an excellent exercise in teamwork and individual practice—students will prepare their songs to present in a spring concert to celebrate their achievements.