With TBC:
P3-P5: Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10
With TBC:
P3-P5: Thursday, 15h10 – 16h10
First, the children discover how a film is made step by step. They analyse the narrative arc, themes, characters and artistic motifs of an existing film.
Then, the children create their own screenplay, film it and carry out all the post-production work under guidance.
They discover how to use simple video editing software as well as editing and making adjustments directly on camera.
In the second half of the year, the children draw up a complete storyboard for the film before shooting. This is a project lasting around 8 weeks (4 filming sessions and 4 weeks of editing). Each child has the opportunity to edit part of the film they have made together.
Parents and children are invited to preview the film made by the group at Performing Art Day!