Regulations-2015-2016-ENG final

Regulations TRANSPORT REGULATIONS 2015-2016  Download the Regulations for the current year : transport regulations (rules) 2015/2016   1. General     2. Membership Fee     3. Enrolment     4. Communication     5. Badge     6. Price and Payment     7. 
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Regulations Transport 2017-2018

Regulations TRANSPORT REGULATIONS 2017-2018 Download the Regulations for the current year : transport regulations (rules) 2017-2018 You can find the here the transport regulations (rules) 2016/2017   The transport regulations 2017-2018 are valid as per academic year starting on September 1st, 2017.    1. General   
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Règlement-2015-2016-FR final

RÈGLEMENT RELATIF AU FONCTIONNEMENT DU SERVICE TRANSPORT           Le règlement du service des transports pour l’année 2014-2015 Le règlement du service des transports est valable à partir de l’année 2015/2016 : Téléchargez le pdf : règlements du service des transports 2015/16   1. Dispositions générales   
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Payments 2015-2016

School year 2014-2015 The tariff for the year 2014-2015 is: – 1.500 EUR (100%) – 975 EUR (65%) ONLY FOR an additional line OR ONLY to the school childcare afternoon WITHOUT transportation in the morning   School transportation is to be paid in three installments: – EUR 600 (100%) 
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Committee Members

The members of the transport committee are (to be confirmed) :   Ralph Wischermann (Chair) Lorraine Emsbach Nikos Fistas Sonja Hickl-Szab  Kunka Ilieva Anja Mangels Jan MüŸller Benoit Vandergeeten Karel van der Waarde Thomas Wiedmann
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Enrolments 2013/14

     Due to technical issues on our IT supplier side enrolment to the 2013/2014 service is not possible for the moment. A message will be sent through the class reps when the problem is resolved.   If you wish to enrol your child for 
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Enrolments 2013/14

     Suite aux problèmes techniques du coté fournisseur TI l’enregistrement au services 2013/2014 n’est pas possible pour l’instant. Un message sera distribué à travers les représentantes des classes dés que la situation est stabilisé.     If you wish to enrol your child for 
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Laeken Survey results 2011

L’ ‘Enquête transports de Laeken’: résultats.

L’ ‘Enquête transports de Laeken’: résultats. Le Comité des Transports de l’APEEE a lancé une enquête en octobre 2011 afin de faciliter le planning des itinéraires de bus vers la nouvelle école européenne de Laeken. ButIl y avait quatre raisons principales pour faire l’enquête: Pour 
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Laeken Survey results 2011

The Laeken transport survey: results.

March 26, 2012: Transport Committee Based on the data of the Transport Survey Laeken, the Transport Committee has established a preliminary network of stops and routes for the morning transport. When establishing this network, proximity to family address and duration of transport needed to be 
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Meetings & Notes

November 11, 2011: the transport committee discussed updating the current rules, the survey for Laeken, methods for planning the bus routes, communication with parents and organisational questions of the Parents Association Transport Committee meeting on November 11, 2011. Main points of this meeting: The ‘Rules’The 
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