Preparation of General Assembly 2013 and your Voting Rights

In accordance with Article 6,5 of the Statutes, the Board of the APEEE would like to inform you that our General Assembly (GA) will take place on Thursday December 5th 2013 from 7.00 pm to 11.00 pm, in the “salle polyvalente” at the school. No interpretation will be provided.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in accordance with Art. 6,7 of the statutes, if there are points which you would like to have included on the draft agenda for the GA, these should be communicated in writing to the APEEE Board. All points raised at the GA need to be accompanied by a detailed explanatory statement. If there is a motion which you wish the GA to vote on, this should be summarised in no more than two to three sentences and should accompany the explanatory statement. In order to be included, points must be supported by at least either (a) 10 effective members (class representatives) or (b) 20 adherent members (fully paid members of the parents association) or (c) 2 administrators (members of the Board). Please send your explanatory statements / motions in either English or French to on or before Thursday November 14th 2013.

For the open session of the GA, we will be inviting the Secretary General of the European Schools and DG HR of the European Commission, as well as the School Director and Deputy Directors. This provides us with a forum in which points relating to pedagogical issues may be raised. Whilst this is a separate process to the discussion of a specific agenda point which should be included in accordance with the procedure set out above, it is an opportunity to exchange information and shared experiences.

The GA also elects the members of the Board. As of January 2014, 12 Board members will continue their work to fulfill their term of office (art. 12,1 of the statutes). There are 10 vacancies on the Board and we would like to ask you to consider standing as a candidate. Please bear in mind that Board members need to be willing and able to “invest” a certain amount of time which goes beyond simply attending our fortnightly meetings. We would therefore, particularly like to encourage active people who are keen to help develop our school to join us.

You do not need to be a class representative to be elected. Every adherent member can stand as a candidate. Although the GA is open to all members of the APEEE, only class representatives who have paid the annual contribution of 50 Euros are allowed to vote. In order to avoid financial transactions during the GA please check that your membership fee is paid in advance of the meeting. The IBAN account number is: BE34 1325 3154 5590.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 


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