HSWG – February bulletin


HSWGThe HSWG is a parent working group led by Christian Drantman (CA) and which is a forum to raise health and safety concerns and to provide input for the Health and Safety Committee organised by the school. Here is an update on some of the issues they have been following.


Last year, the HSWG worked with the school to put pressure on the Commune to improve the safety of the access routes to the school. The Commune promised to introduce new measures, including additional pedestrian crossings and better signing. This has not yet materialised. A letter has now been sent to the Commune to clarify why they have still taken no action.

The HSWG is aware that the increased security measures are a controversial issue for many parents.  The increased security measures introduced by the school are not unique to Laeken – all the Institutions are on yellow alert. However, each of the  Brussels European schools is determining its own measures in accordance with the features of their respective sites.  

To avoid delays in accessing the site, please make sure you have ID and/or request a badge through the school website. If you are dropping off in your car,  please be aware of the pedestrians and cyclists.  A number of parents continue to park across the pavement or even on the pedestrian crossing. Please respect the safety of everyone else, even if your journey takes a little longer.


These are not the only issues the HSWG is following.  The group covers all topics relating to health, hygiene and safety. If you want to get involved please contact: hswg@bru4.eu

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