accident procedure

Chilren participating in extra-curricular activities are covered by the school’s insurance policy.

Injuries during an extracurricular activity? What should you do?

1. You must obtain an accident report form from the School Infirmary
2. The document must be completed by witnesses and / or supervisors present during the accident.
3. Once completed, this form must be submitted to the School Infirmary for transmission to the school health insurance

4. The school health insurance will subsequently send a file by mail to the parents concerned.

The Parents’ Association follows the emergency procedure of the School Medical Service.

If the school nurses are unavailable, monitors or extracurricular activities’ managers will provide first aid, call an ambulance (if applicable) and immediately notify the parents.

Important contacts:

School nurses
Tel. 02 / 340.14.94   Sophie CARLY & Eva PUTTKAMER

Extracurricular activities
Tel. 02 / 474.10.92   Jerome BEURIER

Email :

APEEE Secretariat

Tel. : 02/474 10 90    Manuela PAMIO

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